And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the LORD added to their number day by day those who were being saved. -- Acts 2:44-47
Sports are naturally social events. We train with, are coached by, interact with, and compete against other people at all times. Even the most solitary of athletes has coaches overseeing them and other theoretical athletes putting up records that become goals to reach. The spirit of competition breeds fierce individualism in some, but nearly every athlete has memories of great communities in which they've seen a lot of growth. Just as the Bible commands us to work towards furthering a community, we should work towards building greater community with others involved in their sports.
The above quote comes from Acts, just after Jesus ascended into heaven and commisioned the disciples to spread the gospel. Jesus had trained them for this, and sent them out in pairs to learn how to do this (Mark 6:7) The Lord encourages us to participate in community, for he knows that others can compensate for our weaknesses and embolden our spirits in the difficult times. We can apply this mentality to sports. God has placed us in the lives of our team members to strengthen them, help them, and compliment them (and they for us.)
If you're on a team, get to know the other members of the team. Learn what drives them, entertains them, and helps them so that you can establish commonalities and a relationship with them. Through teamwork not only can we accomplish our athletic goals, but we can accomplish our spiritual goals. The above passage tells us that the members of the Church had all things in common--not just a love for Jesus, Baseball, or whatever. The more we establish community with people that enjoy the same things as we do and find delight in the same earthly activities as well, the more we can find tangible ways to evangelize in the world.
Start today. Find someone whom you work with, practice with, compete with, and try to find something new about them which you can relate to. Reach out to them and try to figure out a way to grow in your friendship with them through that activity, and then pray for God to guide you through this time as you grow in community. Most of all, pray that God can use the time for his glory, and that you can eventually show your faith to your friend. For when people meet in community and are passionate for the Lord, then their numbers multiply by the grace of God, and we can happily begin the same process anew.
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