Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Can't Read People

Just a quick story today.

When I was younger, my Dad and I were always on the hunt for cheap video games. We'd scour garage sales, the San Jose Flea Market, and any other place we could find with used video games on the cheap. One of the places we found was a Game Crazy in Arizona where we vacationed one year. Game Crazy was in its first stages, so there weren't a lot of them around. Anyways, my Dad and I were in the store browsing the games there when a lady walked in. The lady had a rather disheveled appearance; her dark hair was frizzed about everywhere, she had a cane, her clothing looked like it was just thrown on, and she had a gigantic dog with her. She also had big black sunglasses. The lady, grabbing everyone's attention from the counter, yelled to everyone inside, "Is this the Applebee's?"

It was rather strange; this place was clearly not the Applebee's, purveyor of fine pies and family dining, this was a video game store. She was informed as such by the store clerk. "Where is the Applebee's?" the lady shouted back. I didn't really understand why she couldn't find it herself. The clerk told her to walk out the store, take a left, and walk about 200 yards down the street and she'd run smack dab into it. She left the store. What a strange occurence.

When I got into the car with both my parents when my Mom picked me up, I decided to relay the story. Even at a young age I knew this would be a fun story to tell, so I told my Mom what had happened. I told her a clueless, strange lady came in with a big dog, huge sunglasses, and an inability to distinguish Game Crazy from Applebee's. My Dad, ever the realist, threw up his hands in amazement at my inability to understand. My Dad always had a way of explaining things so that I would understand them. Once again, he had found a way to take this complex, strange affair, and break it down to the most simple solution so I, too, could see.

"Andy, she was blind."


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